
The white rhino is a major conservation success story, having been brought back from the very brink of extinction. But the current surge in poaching for their.

The State Council will control the trade and use of rhinoceros, tigers and their related products in China, according to a circular released on Oct 29. Except in special circumstances prescribed by law, the country bans all actions involving sales, purchase, use and import or export of rhinoceros, tigers and their related products, including the whole body, parts of it or any derived products. Sales of products with ingredients containing rhinos, tigers and their related products also will be classified as illegal. Under the special circumstances, regulation on the sales and use of these products will be strengthened, and any related actions will be authorized, and the trade volume will be strictly controlled.

Rhinos, tigers and their related products used in scientific research, including collecting genetic resource materials, will be reported to and approved by authorities. Specimens of skin and other tissues and organs of rhinos and tigers can only be used for public exhibitions. Rhino horns and tiger bones used in medical research or in healing can only be obtained from farmed rhinos and tigers, not including those raised in zoos. Powdered forms of rhino horn and bones from dead tigers can only be used in qualified hospitals by qualified doctors recognized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sales, import and export of products that are classified as cultural relics, and transporting them for temporary cultural exchanges will be authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

The government mandates clearly recording the current inventory of products and those in individual collections. Illegally obtained products will be confiscated, and products in individual collections are not to be traded again. All illegal trade in rhinos, tigers and their related products will be subject to severe crackdowns, and the approved activities will receive close monitoring. The central government urged governments at all levels to improve publicity activities for protecting rhinos and tigers to help the public actively boycott any illegal purchases. Protokol obucheniya po okazaniyu pervoj medicinskoj pomoschi obrazec.


The white rhino is a major conservation success story, having been brought back from the very brink of extinction. But the current surge in poaching for their.

The State Council will control the trade and use of rhinoceros, tigers and their related products in China, according to a circular released on Oct 29. Except in special circumstances prescribed by law, the country bans all actions involving sales, purchase, use and import or export of rhinoceros, tigers and their related products, including the whole body, parts of it or any derived products. Sales of products with ingredients containing rhinos, tigers and their related products also will be classified as illegal. Under the special circumstances, regulation on the sales and use of these products will be strengthened, and any related actions will be authorized, and the trade volume will be strictly controlled.

Rhinos, tigers and their related products used in scientific research, including collecting genetic resource materials, will be reported to and approved by authorities. Specimens of skin and other tissues and organs of rhinos and tigers can only be used for public exhibitions. Rhino horns and tiger bones used in medical research or in healing can only be obtained from farmed rhinos and tigers, not including those raised in zoos. Powdered forms of rhino horn and bones from dead tigers can only be used in qualified hospitals by qualified doctors recognized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sales, import and export of products that are classified as cultural relics, and transporting them for temporary cultural exchanges will be authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

The government mandates clearly recording the current inventory of products and those in individual collections. Illegally obtained products will be confiscated, and products in individual collections are not to be traded again. All illegal trade in rhinos, tigers and their related products will be subject to severe crackdowns, and the approved activities will receive close monitoring. The central government urged governments at all levels to improve publicity activities for protecting rhinos and tigers to help the public actively boycott any illegal purchases. Protokol obucheniya po okazaniyu pervoj medicinskoj pomoschi obrazec.