
There are many games writen specificly for Windows CE as well, which should run well on it. The display shows all of these beautifully. It can also play music! Download Windows Media Player from the included CD, and you can listen to WMAs or MP3s on it. Other progams can be downloaded or purchased that can play other formats. You can find the Pocket Excel application in the Programs submenu (F4, P, P, DOT 8). The first time you open Pocket Excel, it opens by default to a blank spreadsheet so you can immediately begin entering data. To view all the commands available in Pocket Excel, please see Appendix A.

Hi my question relates to a very specific requirement, I know that Activesync will do this automatically and I know that you can simply drag-and-drop a file backwards and forwards between the Pocket PC and the Desktop. What I need to do is have a desktop program select a specific set of pxl files on the pocket pc, transfer them to the desktop pc then convert them to Excel for further manipulation. I have written the RAPI code to select and copy the files from the pocket pc no problem at all. I have this code working in VB6 and VB.NET. What I can't seem to crack is converting the.pxl files now that I have them on the desktop pc! I have tried the 'Windows CE Services File Converter' program from Microsoft but can't get past an error 'Test.pxl cannot be converted because there is no converter available for the file type.' I think there may be a way with 'replfilt' in the ActiveSync API but can't find any info on how to use it!

Thanks for your comment CJ. To be precise Activesync uses Providers for controlling replication and synchronisation of files, not for converting files from one format to another. For the purpose of file conversion Activesync uses Interfaces, that is, it provides a set of COM interfaces.

So to use the services provided you must instantiate an instance of one of these interfaces, this is something I've never done before and the bit I probably need help with. Following your theme of 'learn how to write it and you will learn how to use it' though, Microsoft provides advice on writing your own IceFileFilter. The information in this link is aimed at writing your own filter and implementing the interface such that it will integrate into the user interface of Activesync not how to control such an interface from code. From it you can infer that you need to instantiate an instance of IceFileFilter and call it's NextConvertFile method. The information on this is aimed at C++ programmers (or at least the method call is in C++ format). I do appreciate your answer CJ but the reason I have made this a 500 point question (Difficult and Urgent) is that I need someone who has already trawled through all this information and worked out how to do it and is willing to share that experience with us in a straight forward 'here is what do' manner, preferably with examples in VB or VB.NET. Whoops, I forgot that I posted this in more than one topic area.

Dlya portfolio semejnoe derevo. Thanks for the link CJ, when I have more time I may well investigate reading the pxl format directly. In the end we simply insisted that the user save the files in xls format on the PPC, not an ideal solution but considering the very tight deadline at the time it was the only possible solution. I really want to award you points for your answers CJ, you did try to help but could not answer the original question, I thought that maybe 100 or 200 points would be appropriate but there appears to be no way to award points for helping without fully amswering the question. I have tried splitting the points but the system will not allow less than the full 500 points to be awarded so it looks like your lucky day, I guess you get the full 500 because I certainly don't want to award zero points when you tried twice to help! Happy new year CJ.


There are many games writen specificly for Windows CE as well, which should run well on it. The display shows all of these beautifully. It can also play music! Download Windows Media Player from the included CD, and you can listen to WMAs or MP3s on it. Other progams can be downloaded or purchased that can play other formats. You can find the Pocket Excel application in the Programs submenu (F4, P, P, DOT 8). The first time you open Pocket Excel, it opens by default to a blank spreadsheet so you can immediately begin entering data. To view all the commands available in Pocket Excel, please see Appendix A.

Hi my question relates to a very specific requirement, I know that Activesync will do this automatically and I know that you can simply drag-and-drop a file backwards and forwards between the Pocket PC and the Desktop. What I need to do is have a desktop program select a specific set of pxl files on the pocket pc, transfer them to the desktop pc then convert them to Excel for further manipulation. I have written the RAPI code to select and copy the files from the pocket pc no problem at all. I have this code working in VB6 and VB.NET. What I can't seem to crack is converting the.pxl files now that I have them on the desktop pc! I have tried the 'Windows CE Services File Converter' program from Microsoft but can't get past an error 'Test.pxl cannot be converted because there is no converter available for the file type.' I think there may be a way with 'replfilt' in the ActiveSync API but can't find any info on how to use it!

Thanks for your comment CJ. To be precise Activesync uses Providers for controlling replication and synchronisation of files, not for converting files from one format to another. For the purpose of file conversion Activesync uses Interfaces, that is, it provides a set of COM interfaces.

So to use the services provided you must instantiate an instance of one of these interfaces, this is something I've never done before and the bit I probably need help with. Following your theme of 'learn how to write it and you will learn how to use it' though, Microsoft provides advice on writing your own IceFileFilter. The information in this link is aimed at writing your own filter and implementing the interface such that it will integrate into the user interface of Activesync not how to control such an interface from code. From it you can infer that you need to instantiate an instance of IceFileFilter and call it's NextConvertFile method. The information on this is aimed at C++ programmers (or at least the method call is in C++ format). I do appreciate your answer CJ but the reason I have made this a 500 point question (Difficult and Urgent) is that I need someone who has already trawled through all this information and worked out how to do it and is willing to share that experience with us in a straight forward 'here is what do' manner, preferably with examples in VB or VB.NET. Whoops, I forgot that I posted this in more than one topic area.

Dlya portfolio semejnoe derevo. Thanks for the link CJ, when I have more time I may well investigate reading the pxl format directly. In the end we simply insisted that the user save the files in xls format on the PPC, not an ideal solution but considering the very tight deadline at the time it was the only possible solution. I really want to award you points for your answers CJ, you did try to help but could not answer the original question, I thought that maybe 100 or 200 points would be appropriate but there appears to be no way to award points for helping without fully amswering the question. I have tried splitting the points but the system will not allow less than the full 500 points to be awarded so it looks like your lucky day, I guess you get the full 500 because I certainly don't want to award zero points when you tried twice to help! Happy new year CJ.